Consultant for Governmental Services RFP

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The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit proposals, in accordance with the MFA Procurement Policy, from qualified offerors who, by reason of their skill, knowledge, and experience can provide MFA with governmental services, advice and representation on a continual basis throughout the year (“Offerors”).

MFA expects to enter into one or more contract(s) with the successful Offeror(s), which contract(s) may be for one or two years and shall allow MFA the option to renew for one or two years. Successful Offerors may not obligate funds, incur expenses, or otherwise implement services prior to the execution of a contract with MFA.

Questions and Answers

Questions pertaining to this RFP and application must be submitted via email to sgonzales@housingnm.org. The email subject should read “Consultant for Governmental Services RFP”. Questions can be submitted from September 19, 2024 through October 24, 2024. MFA will make every attempt to answer questions within two (2) business days.

Proposal Submission

Proposal submissions must be received no later than October 25, 2025 at 5:00 p.m., Mountain Time. Proposals which are not received by this time will not be accepted.


Staff intend to adhere to the following procurement schedule:

Activity Date
PC RFP Review September 3, 2024
Contracted Services Committee RFP review September 10, 2024
Board RFP review September 18, 2024
Publish RFP September 18, 2024
RFP submission deadline October 25, 2024
Preliminary award recommendations to PC November 5, 2024
Final award recommendation to Contracted Services Committee November 12, 2024
Final award recommendation to MFA Board November 20, 2024