HOME Investment Partnerships American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) Rapid Rehousing and Homeless Prevention Program NOFA
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Recording: HOME-ARP NOFA Training/Webinar
Password: zWGd5VWg
The purpose of this Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) is to solicit proposals, in accordance with Housing New Mexico | MFA ’s Procurement Policy, from qualified Offerors, which by reason of their skill, knowledge, and experience are able to furnish services for Housing New Mexico | MFA in connection with the program for which they are applying “Offerors.”
The HOME-ARP RR/HP award is available to units of local government, tribal governments, and nonprofit organizations who have at least two years of demonstrated experience providing services to those that are experiencing homelessness. The program is designed to identify sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons, as well as those at-risk of homelessness, to provide the services necessary to help those persons quickly regain stability in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis or homelessness.
Questions and Answers
Housing New Mexico | MFA will conduct an initial NOFA and Program Information Webinar for all Offerors by video conference on November 6, 2024, at 10:30 a.m. Mountain Time. Housing New Mexico | MFA strongly recommends that all potential Offerors attend this webinar. Pre-registration is required. To register, visit https://housing-nm.webex.com/weblink/register/r89f840cdb8c66f64050d5179e306ffb7.
Offerors who are unable to attend the webinar may view it shortly after November 6 on Housing New Mexico | MFA’s website at https://housingnm.org/funding-opportunities/rfps-rfqs. The webinar will be available until the NOFA submission expiration date or until funding falls below $500,000. Points are awarded for those that attend or provide an affidavit (Exhibit K) verifying that they watched the webinar.
After the NOFA and Program Information Webinar, questions will only be answered through the Ask a Question “AAQ” submission form below. Questions will be answered within two business days from the time of submission. All questions and responses will be posted to ensure consistency.

- Question: Will the use of Coordinated Entry System be enough to replace the HMIS requirement?
- Answer: No, HMIS data entry is a required part of the program and is separate from the optional use of the Coordinated Entry System. All providers must follow the written standards and training established by the New Mexico CoCs. Trainings and written standards can be obtained from the New Mexico Coalition to End Homelessness: info@nmceh.org
- Question: Are DV providers required to use HMIS?
- Answer: Yes. DV providers are not required to use the standard AWARDS system but instead must use the OSNIUM system.
- Question: What are the reporting requirements of this program?
- Answer: Monthly invoicing requirements will include an OPS report, APR report run from HMIS, and county report that includes entries, exits, total households, and total participants served per county. Data entry in HMIS is set by CoC written standards and training. Trainings and written standards can be obtained from the New Mexico Coalition to End Homelessness: info@nmceh.org
- Question: What Monitoring reports are required from the funders?
- Answer: Housing New Mexico / MFA requires the most recent monitoring report from any program contracted to your organization that receives regular monitorings from an overseeing agency. This is not limited to federal programs but also includes state and locally funded projects that are monitored.
- Question: As a non-profit, can we submit an application jointly with a government entity?
- Answer: Contracts will only be given to a single agency to ensure that assigned duties and responsibilities are clear. Subcontracting is prohibited without prior written approval by Housing New Mexico / MFA. The service provider is solely responsible for the performance of any subcontractor. Use of a subcontractor shall not relieve the service provider of any obligation for any reason.
- Question: Does each organization need to offer every eligible activity (rental assistance, monthly case management, utility deposits, etc.)?
- Answer: Not every eligible activity is required to run the program. However, monthly housing stability case management is required for all active participants including their housing stability plan to be filled out at their intake and recertifications (certifications occur every 3 months for HP participants and annually for RR participants). This assistance cannot exceed 30 days during the period the program participant is seeking permanent housing and cannot exceed 24 months during the period the program participant is living in permanent housing.
- Question: Can we use another organization as a fiscal agent?
- Answer: Yes. Organizations that do not receive financial audits or audited financial statements may use a fiscal agent however the fiscal agent must be approved by Housing New Mexico / MFA prior to the scoring process since the audit requirement is a minimum threshold requirement. The fiscal agency must have a current financial audited or audited financial statements. Housing New Mexico / MFA will not provide funding to the fiscal agent therefore it would be the responsibility of the service provider to provide compensation to that agency. HOME-ARP program funds cannot be used to compensate a fiscal agent but HOME-ARP Admin funds can be used for this purpose.
- Question: What is required in the executive summary?
- Answer: An executive summary is your organization’s plan on how to administer this program; outlining key staff, experience, capability, and how this program fits into your organization’s mission.
- Question: Are applicants required to provide a line item budget for the requested first year funds of $100,000?
- Answer: No, a line item budget will not be required of applicants until after the application is approved by Housing New Mexico's Policy Committee.
Timeline/Activity |
Release NOFA – October 22, 2024 | |
NOFA & Program Information Webinar – November 6, 2024 | |
Ask A Question Submission – Answered within two business days | |
NOFA Submissions – Accepted until September 30, 2029, or until funding available is below $500,000 | |
Deficiency Correction Notifications – within one week of submission | |
Housing New Mexico| MFA Review Team Scoring – within three weeks of submission | |
Preliminary Award/Denial Letters to Offerors – within one week of finalized scoring | |
Protest Period Begins – upon receipt of Preliminary Award Notifications | |
Protest Period Deadline – within five days from the Preliminary Award Notifications | |
Award Recommendations to Housing New Mexico | MFA Policy Committee | |
Issue Performance Agreements | |
Schedule Training |