New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority November board meeting in Las Cruces showcases statewide outreach and impactful project tours

Tierra del Sol Housing Corporation Executive Director Rose Garcia accepts an award at the November Housing NM Board meeting.
Tierra del Sol Housing Corporation Executive Director Rose Garcia accepts an award at the November Housing NM Board meeting.


LAS CRUCES, N.M. – Housing NM held its monthly board of directors meeting at the New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum in Las Cruces Wednesday, Nov. 15. Housing NM Board of Directors include Angel Reyes (chair), Derek Valdo (vice chair), Lieutenant Governor Howie Morales, State Treasurer Laura M. Montoya, Attorney General Raul Torrez, Patricia A. Sullivan and Rebecca Wurzburger (treasurer). Martina C’de Baca represented Lt. Governor Morales, and Gideon Elliot represented Attorney General Torrez at the board meeting.

With Housing NM’s office located in Albuquerque, Housing NM Executive Director/CEO Isidoro Hernandez recognizes the value of holding board meetings around the state to provide board members and staff an opportunity to engage and interact with individuals from various parts of New Mexico.

“Whether it’s local leaders, service providers, developers or clients who have benefited from our many programs, it’s great to be able to visit with people from all areas of our state, so we may have face-to-face interactions, answer questions and see funded projects firsthand,” said Hernanadez.

The board meeting opened with a welcome from City of Las Cruces Mayor Kenneth Miyagishima, followed by presentations from Jerry Pacheco, Border Industrial Association President/CEO and International Business Accelerator Executive Director, as well as Priscilla Lucero, Southwest Council of Governments Executive Director.

Hernandez presented an award to Tierra del Sol Housing Corporation Executive Director Rose Garcia, honoring the Las Cruces nonprofit’s 50th anniversary and unwavering commitment to providing affordable housing and other community services.

Following the meeting, board members and staff visited a local veteran’s house, which was rehabilitated as part of Housing NM’s Veterans Housing Rehabilitation and Modification Program. Southwestern Regional Housing and Community Development Corporation Executive Director Veronika Molina showcased the home’s significant improvements, including brand-new heating and cooling units, window replacements and enhanced accessibility features like a walk-in shower with a seat.

Board members and staff also visited Mesilla Valley Community of Hope’s Camp Hope – a self-governing transitional living community that provides temporary, transitional shelter in the form of tents, showers and cooking facilities while residents transition to permanent housing. Mesilla Valley Community of Hope Executive Director Nicole Martinez provided insights into the diverse services they offer. Housing NM provides funding to the Mesilla Valley Community of Hope in the form of Emergency Solutions Grant/HOME-American Rescue Plan Rapid Rehousing and Homeless Prevention assistance, Continuum of Care match funding, and Linkages permanent supportive housing vouchers.

For more information about Housing NM and its impactful programs, visit www.housingnm.org. For information about Housing NM Board of Directors meetings, visit https://housingnm.org/meetings-events-notices.