Apr 5, 2016 16-06

April 2016 Webinar Training Schedule

MFA will be offering webinar training for the MFA Single Family Programs and Down Payment Assistance Funding Process. 

The training is designed for all staff originating, processing, closing and shipping MFA loans.  The trainings will be more technical in nature and will provide Participating Lenders with the information needed to efficiently originate, fund and deliver loans under the new programs/process.

Single Family Program and DPA Funding Webinar Training:

MFA will offer two (2) individual webinar trainings on the Single Family Programs and the DPA Funding Process.

Each of the two (2) webinars will cover the same material.

Participating Lenders only need to attend one of the webinars:

Wednesday, April 13, 2016            1:30pm-3:00pm MDT

Thursday, April 14, 2016                1:30pm-3:00pm MDT

To Participate:

Register via the MFA Lender Training link http://www.housingnm.org/lender-training no later than 5:00 PM MDT on the business day prior to the training. Please register for the individual session(s) that will be attended in order for MFA to track attendance.  The materials will be sent to you the evening before the training. Below is the link and call in numbers for all of the sessions.

Conference Dial-in Number: (641) 715-3276

Participant Access Code: 297334#


Thank you for participating in MFA’s program.  Should you have any questions, please contact an MFA Homeownership Representative.