Sep 11, 2020 2020-21

Final reminder of the deadline for lender transition to PowerLender and VirPack

MFA’s new loan reservation and document management systems - PowerLender and VirPack – have been fully operational since August 28.  

Some lenders did not have a smooth transition to the new systems; therefore, a grace period was granted to allow reservations to be made via the Mitas system until their technology issues were resolved.

This grace period will end at 5 p.m. MDT on Tuesday, September 15.

After September 15, ALL new loans must be reserved in PowerLender and the associated file documents uploaded to VirPack. No exceptions will be made.

Loans reserved in Mitas are to be completed in that system. Loans will not transfer from Mitas to PowerLender.

Should you have questions, please contact a homeownership representative at 505-843-6881.

Thank you for participating in MFA programs.