Jul 21, 2022 2022-12

Rate Change Text Alert System Upgraded

To help streamline partner notifications, Housing NM will be implementing a new text alert notification system starting Monday, July 25, 2022.

The new alert system will provide users with a text message detailing what program(s) the rate change(s) impact, the old and new rates, and the effective date for the new rates, instead of a text message directing users to the Housing NM website for rate change information. Current rate change information will continue to be available on the Housing NM website, but the new notification system will include more specific details about rate changes.

Users who currently receive rate change text alerts from the previous system will receive a text message with instructions for opting into the new system. Alerts will only be sent to users who have opted-in to the new system.

Users who would like to opt-in for the first time must log in to the PowerLender portal and follow the instructions provided. To sign up for the text alerts, users must submit a full name, cell phone number and work email address. Please note, the information submitted will only be used for the rate change text alert notification system.

To help maintain confidentiality and reduce spam, the phone number to the new system will be posted in PowerLender on Friday, July 22, 2022.

Although Housing NM offers this optional rate change text alert service free of charge, users are encouraged to check with their cell phone carrier about any messaging and data charges that may apply.

Should you have questions please contact a member of the Homeownership Department at 505.843.6880.

Thank you for participating in Housing NM programs.