Feb 7, 2020 2020-03

Rate Change Text Notification

Rate Change Text Notification

MFA provides a text notification service that alerts users when MFA changes its mortgage rates.  However, due to system updates, we must delete all current subscribers and ask you to “opt-in” again using the link below.

Current subscribers will stop receiving rate change notifications after February 13, 2020.  We encourage you to follow the new “opt-in” process to avoid any interruptions in your ability to receive these notifications.

New users are welcome to join the text notification service using the same “opt-in” process.

The following direct link will allow you to opt in to receive MFA rate change text notifications  https://nmmfa.alertmedia.com/public

If you wish to “opt in” from MFA’s website:

  1. Go to www.housingnm.org
  2. Click on Lender & Realtors
  3. Click on Current Rates on the left-hand side of the page, under the “Resources” section
  4. Click on “Rate Change Text Alert” follow the prompts to complete the registration process.

Thank you for participating in MFA’s programs. Should you have any questions, please contact an MFA homeownership representative.