Apr 23, 2019 19-08

Response to HUD Mortgagee Letter 19-06

Response to HUD Mortgagee Letter 19-06 dated April 18, 2019

In response to multiple inquiries related to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Mortgagee Letter 19-06 dated April 18, 2019, MFA wants to assure our participating lenders that we, along with our legal counsel, are  working to review the newly issued requirements related down payment assistance programs funded by governmental entities.

MFA will make appropriate changes to our existing processes and provide our lenders with the required attorney opinion letter as soon as possible. 

The National Counsel of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA) is also working with HUD to obtain further clarification on the intent of this Mortgagee Letter.  MFA will provide any further updates to our participating lenders as they become available.

Thank you for participating in MFA’s program. Should you have any questions, please contact a MFA homeownership representative.