Emergency Solutions Grant/HOME-ARP Rapid Rehousing and Homeless Prevention Program

The program provides short- and medium-term rental assistance for families and individuals who are homeless or who are at imminent risk of becoming homeless. The goal of the program is to help these families and individuals regain stability and to reduce the likelihood that they will experience homelessness again.

Forms and Reference Materials

Service Providers for ESG


Serving Chaves, Curry, Eddy, Lea, Lincoln and Roosevelt Counties

Catholic Charities

Serving Bernalillo and Sandoval Counties

Enlace Communitario

Serving Bernalillo and Valencia Counties

The Life Link

Serving Santa Fe, Rio Arriba, Los Alamos and Taos Counties

Mesilla Valley Community of Hope

Serving Doña Ana and Otero Counties

San Juan County Partnership

Serving San Juan County


Under the McKinney-Vento Act, as amended by the HEARTH Act, the definition of “at risk of homelessness” requires that an individual or family’s income be below 30 percent of median family income (or area median income). Further, the ESG Program interim rule limits eligibility for homelessness prevention assistance to individuals and families with incomes below 30 percent of AMI. However, under the ELI standard, an allowable income could actually be higher than 30 percent AMI. Therefore, if ESG recipients/subrecipients were to use the ELI standard, some applicants for ESG assistance might be falsely determined to be eligible for homelessness prevention assistance, when actually their incomes were over 30 percent AMI.

In short, the 30 percent AMI limits are NOT the same as the Extremely Low-Income limits, and ESG recipients and subrecipients MUST NOT use the ELI standard (Section 8 limits) when determining program participant eligibility for homelessness prevention assistance.  The 30 percent income limit only applies to the Homeless Prvention component of the program.  Upon initial evaluation, individuals or families who meet the definition of homelessness under Rapid Re-Housing are not required to meet the AMI limit of 30 percent.